Monday, June 9, 2008


Here's an anaglyph of the A4 Skyhawk at the Joe Davies Heritage Airpark outside Lockheed's Plant 42 in Palmdale.

When I first worked at China Lake back in '83, the Marines were still flying these. They're small enough that the wings don't have to be folded to fit on a carrier.


Serena said...

I like your new background! It's cute and geek just like you! Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY woman! Ashton tried to call and sing to you, but I guess you were too busy with your game or something...

Regina Ivie said...

Nah, I was sleeping cuz I had played too long the night before. So Ashton was so cute and told Roger I shouldn't stay up all night playing video games. And he said he doesn't get to play video games, except for the Cars one. SO CUTE!!! Tell him I'm sorry he missed me.