Friday, June 20, 2008

Tuskerella gets her mount. Early.

In patch 2.4.3, they're dropping the level requirement for a mount to 30. Since I have a character that hit 30 just a couple of days before the test realm opened, I thought I'd give it a go.

Nybbles is my horde miner on Icecrown. I transferred her over to the test realm, where she was (of course) flagged for rename. I called her Tuskerella.

When she logged in, she found a letter in her mailbox. I don't know if they're going to start doing this when 2.4.3 goes live, or whether it's a special thing for the test realm:

Unfortunately, Senjin Village is pretty much the armpit of Durotar. It's a long way from anywhere with a flight path, so it's quite a run. Once she got there, Tuskerella was offered a riding skill:

As you can see, the next riding level is the normal level 60 riding level; they dropped the mount level requirement to 30 rather than creating a new lower riding skill:

The mounts she could buy were the normal horde mounts:

And here she is showing off her new mount:

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