Monday, July 7, 2008

Rainman pictures from I-15

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This is a picture taken from the car while passing Red Cliffs Recreational Park. I really miss being able to decide to take a ride and have a picnic for dinner, like we used to do when I was a kid. This is just a few miles from where I grew up in Southern Utah. It is near Leeds and Harrisburg, which was not populated when I was growing up. My family and I were going here even before it was made a campground. I remember when there were no campsites It developed and grew over the years. It is now quite a nice place to go. I remember that this was a place that toads liked to hang out. Snakes and lizards hung out too, but they were everywhere. This place has a creek and more trees than your normal Washington County area. I will post the rest of the pictures. But this was my favorite, so I wanted you to see it first. It was also the first time I'd tried pictures while going at freeway speed. I love my new camera. Thanks for the birthday present, Roger!!

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