Friday, July 25, 2008

Test Blogging from Word 2007

This is a sample blog post for my online Word 2007 class. We were to try the blog posting for my final chapter. The assignment did not require us to post. Being the techi-nerd I am, I had to try it out at least once. I have enjoyed the Microsoft Office suite so far. I took PowerPoint 2007 and got an A in that class. That class was held Tuesday and Thursday nights. I also am in the final week for 3 online classes. I am taking the beginning Excel, Access and Word classes. I will take the Intermediate classes beginning the end of August for next semester. Of course I am really enjoying the Word class, to see how powerful word processing has become. Excel is still a mystery to me, but it has some powerful application for someone knowing what they're doing. Access is just plain fun. I think if I do well, I may try to find a job as a database administrator. Wonder if there is a job here in China Lake that I could find. My business teacher said that the base has lots of job openings and lots more to come. She gave me a few ideas on how to start applying for one. Well, I need to go work on the rest of my homework. Everyone have a great weekend.

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